God's Match

Ignite Your Faith with God’s Match

Are you ready to experience the fullness of God’s power in your life and your church? Get ready to ignite the flames of revival with God’s Match – the dynamic new book by Dr. Debbie Salinger that will set your spirit ablaze with passion and purpose.

Order your copy of God’s Match today and become a catalyst for spiritual awakening in your church and beyond.


Embrace the fire of God’s Spirit within you and unleash its power in your church and community


Cultivate an attitude of readiness to be the match that ignites revival and renewal wherever you go.

Break Free

Break free from spiritual complacency and embrace a lifestyle of radical faith and obedience.


Partner with God in ushering in His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.


Embrace the fire of God’s Spirit within you and unleash its power in your church and community


Cultivate an attitude of readiness to be the match that ignites revival and renewal wherever you go.

Break Free

Break free from spiritual complacency and embrace a lifestyle of radical faith and obedience.


Partner with God in ushering in His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

Don't settle for a lukewarm faith or a stagnant church – it's time to light the fire of God's presence and power! Join the movement of believers who are igniting revival with God's Match – order your copy now!

An Endorsement for God’s Match

At the Acts 2 Pentecost, the flames landed on the disciples…. Debbie Salinger has gifted the church with a rich resource to keep the flame kindled and even burn it brighter…. Still yourself to read this book so that the fire can get hotter, so that the flame can be oxygenated. Lightning strikes not randomly but what’s most ready to receive the charge. The Spirit comes upon those most ready and prepared to receive the fire. Here is a book that preps the church for the Pentecost charge…. God’s Match: How to Light a Fire in Your Church shows us how to be a living fire. Dr. Leonard Sweet

Contact Form

Interested in a retreat, mentorship, or simply want to connect with Dr. Debbie? Reach out via the contact form below.